Scotland Tells Teachers to Respect the Gender Identities of Trans Kids

The Scottish government issued new guidance last week advising teachers on how to proactively create an accepting and safe learning environment for trans students.

Released last Thursday by Scotland’s Learning Directorate, the guidance states that students — including those at the elementary school level — should be entitled to a supportive and respectful environment at school, regardless of their gender or pronouns. This includes having the ability to use the restroom that matches their gender and be addressed by their correct name and pronouns by teachers and peers.

In addition to offering advice for educators, the report details best practices for schools to make learning environments safer spaces for trans kids. This includes potentially enacting dress codes that include gender-neutral options and not forcing trans students to wear clothing that doesn’t match their gender identity. Schools are also encouraged to take a proactive approach in addressing bullying or potential hostility toward trans students.

“We are confident that this guidance, combined with our forthcoming work on gender equality, will help schools deliver a learning environment where privacy, safety, dignity and respect is afforded to every pupil so they can each achieve their full potential.”


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