Tbilisi Pride is a civil association of LGBTQI people and supporters. The organization annually holds Pride Week in Tbilisi, puts LGBTQI issues

In one of Berlin’s areas, in Schöneberg, the so-called The rainbow garden will open. It is planned that the majority of the

The Court of Appeal reduced the sentences of those convicted in the July 5, 2021 group violence case. The decision was announced

“From an early age, I was attracted to boys, and I was particularly close to my mother and sister. At that time,

The online publication Queer has existed since May 17, 2021, and brings together members of the queer community with activist spirits and

Temida is a queer-activist, trans* community organization that organizes, works and fights to build a safe, equal and dignified political, legal and

Equality Movement is an organization supporting LGBTQI people, whose goal is to promote the full integration of the LGBTQI community and women

Tbilisi Pride is a civil association of LGBTQI people and supporters. The organization holds pride week annually in Tbilisi, thus putting LGBTQI

Women’s Found In Georgia has existed since 2005, and it’s goal is to empower women’s organizations and groups in the capital and

Editor of Queer, Khatia Ghoghoberidze, was elected as the chairperson of The Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics. She replaced Tamar Rukhadze in