In the latest trailer for Marvel’s highly anticipated new film Eternals, we get one of our first real glimpses of the first

Nepal has introduced a “third gender” category on its 2021 census in a move applauded by some LGBTQ+ advocates. Others question whether

Rodrigo Rody Oliviera is a Brazilian photographer that lives in Rio De Janeiro and has been photographing every-day life of Brazilian queer

I’m Valita Gorelchaniki, a fitness instructor and the founder of the first fitness academy in Georgia. In addition, I am implementing an

Over the past few decades, more and more LGBT people have come out of the closet and started talking out loud about

Russia has proposed that LGBTQ+, radical feminists and child-free groups should be recognised as “extremism”. “LGBT ideology, radical feminism and child-free movements

Local self-government elections are being held in Georgia today, the results of which will be the most important for the country. Numerous

“Hello, Tamar, I am contacting you from the online platform” – before the elections, during the most culminating period, this is

In Taiwan, trans people were forced to have their reproductive organs surgically removed in order to have their sex recognized legally. Plaintiff

Author – Tamar Avaliani Understanding the importance of private and family life The right to privacy is a right that protects a