‘The solidarity march did not start today and will not end this week. This is not just a week, the public needs more information to recognize humanitarian priorities. This week is not directed against anyone – it is about freedom of speech and victory.
Everyone has the right to speak in public and violence cannot become part of the tradition! Unfortunately, the ultra-right forces do not leave us alone, they do not want a humane society. The pro-Russian mentality has done us incredible damage.
If Pride goes through social adaptation, the opinion of all sides will be taken into account and diversity will be maintained, people will have the feeling that a healthy environment is not too far away in this country. I think that by doing so, gender identity or orientation will get rid of the label of “crime”.
It is important that representatives of all spheres are involved in the Pride, other than the queer circles. Especially writers and artists.
The main thing is to realize that we have to live in a more humane environment, no one has the right to interfere in someone else’s private life. Every person should be in favor of improvement, not violence and lawlessness.”