We Are Georgia, We Are the Wealth of This Country – Levan Tonaganyan

“I would like to make a video appeal for Gharibashvili and “Georgian Dream”, but I cannot do that, because I cannot speak. But I can write; Writing is my power. So I am addressing Gharibashvili with this post:

Remember it well, that this country is not your property; this country is a country of Armenians, Azerbaijanis; This is a country of simple people, of the LGBTQ+ community, of religious and non-religious people, of hungry children, the poor, the addicts, sex-workers, miners, people with disabilities; This is a country of people that have different political views, this is a homeland of all of us.

You have to get used to this. You have no right to list these people as secondary. We have to live together in this country, we have to build this country. We have the right to demand our rights, we also have the right to everything. Me demanding the protection of my rights does not violate the rights of the majority. You cannot silence us.

We are Georgia, we are the wealth of this country.”

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